Are you ready to Stop Holding Yourself Back, Get Out of Your Own you can get the results you really want?

If so, welcome home...because that's exactly what The Smash Your Own Ceiling Collective is all about!!

I see you...

I know that you have big dreams that you can't shake off...

That you have a whisper, and yearning, deep down inside that's telling you that you're here for more.

That you want to Be More, Do More and Have more.

But I also know that even though you have these dreams and this whisper, you don't ever fully achieve them because you keep getting in your own way and holding yourself back. It's like you're running your business / career with one foot firmly on the brake pedal...and you can feel it.

It's exhausting...and oh, so frustrating - especially when you see other people with a lot less experience than you totally knocking it out of the park!!

Sound familiar???

You find yourself writing lists of things that you want to do, but instead you get busy with other things. The quick tasks on your to do list rather than working on that one big thing that will propel you forwards.

Your listen far too closely to your inner critic, and worry about getting successful and failing, letting people down or getting so busy that you won't be able to cope...this causes you to slow right down and not take action.

You might start something and head in the right direction...but then instead of getting the job done and finished, you convince yourself that it's not good enough, or that it's not the right time...causing you to go right back to the starting blocks...yet again! 

You compare yourself to other people and this causes you to doubt your own ability and whether you're really 'good enough' to achieve your goals anyway.

You say 'yes' to things that you know you shouldn't because you don't want to let people down, and massively resist doing the things (like going visible) that would propel you forwards.

You'd love to be more confident and not second guess yourself at every turn, get overwhelmed or worry about 'what other people will think'. To just show the world who you really are.

You can't get past a certain point in your success...maybe you've hit your income target and are now struggling to do it again. Maybe you've plateaued, or maybe you achieved a goal only for you to go right back to the start again, or maybe you're just sick and tired of going round in your own version of Groundhog Day.

If you're nodding your head as you're reading this you're in the right place...and trust me when I say there's nothing wrong with you at all.

What we're talking about here...are what I've lovingly called "Success Blocks" the blocks that pop up from no-where that do a damn fine job of stopping you from achieving the success that you really want and that you're here to achieve.

But I'm here to tell you, that everything that you want is within your grasp.

You absolutely can make it happen!!

All it takes is for you to learn how to side step your success blocks and to start using the simple tools to prime your mindset for success every single day.

Are you ready to take that foot off the brake pedal, to unlock your true potential and RISE?

I remember this being me too...

Back in 2015 I remember sitting at my desk, thinking about the goals that I had for myself and my business, and even though I knew that I was more than capable, that I had more than enough skills and experience, I was really good at holding myself back...and I secretly knew it!!

For me, this meant skirting around the edges of my business, doing just enough that would convince me that I was taking action. Top this off with a sprinkling of excuses that kept me firmly in my comfort zone this meant I was massively slowing down my progress.

Then one day I realised what was going on, and I knew that I owed it to myself to do something about it.

 It was then that I made the decision to work on my Success Blocks and to learn how to finally get out of my own way  – and that’s exactly what I did!

Since then not only have I grown my business to 6 figures, published a book, enabled my husband (Dave) to leave his full time corporate career and grow his business too,  and have worked all over the world,  I’ve also helped thousands of people unlock their potential too, and go for the success that has always been just out of reach!

And I’d love to help you too!

The thing is that your mindset and thinking is the foundation to EVERYTHING, and when you learn the tools to prime your mindset for success it will help you in ALL areas of your life.


with the right mindset...YOU REALLY can achieve anything!

Is this where you are right now?

  • You want MORE (and why not?!)
  • ​You're frustrated by constantly getting in your own way and resisting doing the things that would make a difference for you.
  • ​You want to feel confident and have the self belief to go for what you want
  • ​You want to play a much bigger game
  • ​You're ready to step into your new reality
  • You want to take action without second guessing yourself or feeling like an 'imposter'
  • ​You want to live your dreams and not just think about them
  • ​You want to get momentum in your business, career and life
  • ​You know you're here for's time to live it!

If you're ready to take action, here's how I can help...

Let me introduce you to the Smash Your Own Ceiling Collective

The Smash Your Own Ceiling Collective is a programme designed to teach you the tools to:

🚀Massively grow your confidence and self-belief

🚀Prime your mindset for success

🚀Clear out any blocks that are holding you back

🚀And show you how to get out of your own way and start getting the results you really want!

Are you ready for amazing things to happen???

When you join you get:

✔️Lifetime access to the 8 week foundational programme which includes over 34 videos, worksheets and exercises and that takes you through the process step by step. Even though this programme takes 8 weeks you've got lifetime access so you can go through the content as many times as you like, whenever you like and there's no rush to complete them by a certain time. You can learn at your own pace.

✔️Access to a Private Facebook Community where you can ask questions, celebrate your successes and above all be surrounded with like-minded people all on a similar journey and supporting each other every step of the way. This group is GOLD! Supportive doesn't come close!

✔️Lifetime Access to Weekly Calls with me - Each week I host an additional live training (every Wednesday at 7pm (uk) via zoom so you can ask questions, learn so much more and take advantage of the groups energy. These calls are an AMAZING place to be and feels like a warm cosy hug every single week.
"I LOVE the calls. They're the best part of my week!" 

They are also recorded so don't worry if you can't make them live, you can access them whenever you like.

✔️Once a Month You'll Get Access to the Accountability Club - This is where I'll split you into smaller groups so you can work through an exercise together and help each other out along the way. 

This programme is a pay once and get lifetime access - to the programme materials, the community AND the weekly calls!


By purchasing this product you agree to the terms and conditions

Please note: The contents of this programme is not a replacement for therapy or counselling of any kind.

What do others say?

Let’s break it all down
Here's what you're getting...
  • Lifetime access to the foundational 8 week course to work through at your own pack consisting of over 34 lessons, videos and worksheets and packed full of tools and techniques.
  • ​Lifetime access to the Private Facebook Community
  • ​Lifetime access to a Weekly Group Coaching and Training call with me via Zoom. 
  • ​Lifetime access to a Monthly Networking and Support Groups
  • BONUS ONE - The SYOC Daily Meditation Practice (this includes 5 powerful Meditations)
  • ​BONUS TWO - Access to the Smash Your Own Ceiling Manifesting Masterclass
  • ​BONUS THREE - Access to the 50 Powerful Journaling Prompts for your Success
And here's a tiny snippet of what you'll learn...
  • ​How to stop listening to your inner critic
  • ​What to do when self doubt kicks in
  • ​How to stop fear from holding you back
  • ​​How to love growing your comfort zone
  • ​How to grow your confidence and enjoy the process
  • ​How to re-record any old beliefs that aren't working for you, to new ones that really will
  • ​How to create amazing new habits that will massively boost your productivity and motivation

By purchasing this product you agree to the terms and conditions

Please note: The contents of this programme is not a replacement for therapy or counselling of any kind.

Hi, I'm Barbara Nixon and I'm a Success Coach and Business Mentor, and founder of Smash Your Own Ceiling™️. I'm here to help Business Owners get unlock their potential, re-gain their momentum and grow their businesses to fuel their dream life.

After 20+ years in the People Development arena and helping hundreds of people achieve their potential, I kept seeing amazing people holding themselves back and getting in the way of their own success.

With over 20+ years in the People Development Space (12 in senior management positions in corporate; and 10 years running my own business) I've grown 2 businesses to 6 figures; published a book and worked with hundreds of people from 8 figure business owners to entrepreneurs at the very start of their journey to help them grow their confidence, prime their mindset for success and get the results they really want.

I'm  also a speaker, the author of The Boss Hat, and have been featured in Addicted2Success, Thrive Global and the BBC.

Behind the scenes, I'm married to Dave and between us we've got 4 fantastic kids (3 in their 20's, and 1 teen) and an amazing dog. I'm totally addicted to books and box sets and you'll never find me that far from a cup of tea!! 

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work and what do I get?
The Smash Your Own Ceiling Collective consists of a foundational 8 week programme, weekly calls and a private community. You get access to all 3 elements when you join. However, it's not an 8 week programme. Think of it like a membership where you pay once and get lifetime access.

How long does it take to work through?
The Smash Your Own Ceiling Collective foundational programme is 8 weeks long – however you get lifetime access to this so can do it as many times as you like and work through at your own pace. You won't get left behind here.

How long do I have access for?
You have lifetime* access to the course materials and the weekly calls. (*Lifetime access means as long as the programme is available – but I don’t intend on stopping it any time soon).

Why should I invest?
If you're completely happy with where you are right now, then don't bother...if however, you're frustrated at always holding yourself back, getting in your own way and resisting the next steps, and you're ready for amazing things to happen this is the programme for you. The choice is yours :) 

What are the weekly calls like?
Super chill. We meet every Wednesday at 7pm (uk time) via zoom. During our hour together I take you through additional training and do some coaching too. It's a really supportive group. You have a choice to speak or not (I don't force anyone to speak if they don't want to) and believe me when I say you'll learn so much from listening to others share in the group. So often people have said to me 'I didn't realise I had the same problem until that question was asked. It was so insightful.' 

Do I have to attend the weekly calls?
Not at all. You can attend every week, dip in and out as you feel fit or not come to any. The choice is yours. Think of it as a yoga class for your mindset. A weekly thing you do just for yourself every single week. Plus you'll make some great friends too :)

What if I miss a weekly call?
It really doesn't matter. Come to the next one.

Can I ask questions in the weekly calls?
Absolutely. This is the benefit of them being live.  

Do I get private access to Barbara?
I'm afraid not. I'm around in the Facebook Group and every week on the calls but can't give any private time unless you decide to become one of my one to one clients.

Do you give business support in the weekly calls?
No, there's no business support in this group. Although many of our members are business owners, some are in corporate positions also. This group is purely about mindset. Yes you can talk about what's going on in your business as you share your experiences, but I won't be giving you any business support.

How does it work?
As soon as you join you'll get access to the members area where you can kick off with some pre-work. You'll also get access to the Private Facebook Group where you can ask me any questions, share your successes and support your new friends. Each week on the anniversary of when you joined you'll receive a new module with that week's training in it, and we'll also have the LIVE training each Wednesday at 7pm (UK) You'll get the link you need to join the live calls in the members area.

Are you ready to Prime your Mindset for Success and Smash Your Own Ceiling?

By purchasing this product you agree to the terms and conditions

Please note: The contents of this programme are not a replacement for therapy or counselling of any kind

All Rights Reserved © Barbara Nixon
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