I know that you have big dreams that you can't shake off...
That you have a whisper, and yearning, deep down inside that's telling you that you're here for more.
That you want to Be More, Do More and Have more.
But I also know that even though you have these dreams and this whisper, you don't ever fully achieve them because you keep getting in your own way and holding yourself back. It's like you're running your business / career with one foot firmly on the brake pedal...and you can feel it.
It's exhausting...and oh, so frustrating - especially when you see other people with a lot less experience than you totally knocking it out of the park!!
Sound familiar???
You find yourself writing lists of things that you want to do, but instead you get busy with other things. The quick tasks on your to do list rather than working on that one big thing that will propel you forwards.
Your listen far too closely to your inner critic, and worry about getting successful and failing, letting people down or getting so busy that you won't be able to cope...this causes you to slow right down and not take action.
You might start something and head in the right direction...but then instead of getting the job done and finished, you convince yourself that it's not good enough, or that it's not the right time...causing you to go right back to the starting blocks...yet again!
You compare yourself to other people and this causes you to doubt your own ability and whether you're really 'good enough' to achieve your goals anyway.
You say 'yes' to things that you know you shouldn't because you don't want to let people down, and massively resist doing the things (like going visible) that would propel you forwards.
You'd love to be more confident and not second guess yourself at every turn, get overwhelmed or worry about 'what other people will think'. To just show the world who you really are.
You can't get past a certain point in your success...maybe you've hit your income target and are now struggling to do it again. Maybe you've plateaued, or maybe you achieved a goal only for you to go right back to the start again, or maybe you're just sick and tired of going round in your own version of Groundhog Day.
If you're nodding your head as you're reading this you're in the right place...and trust me when I say there's nothing wrong with you at all.
What we're talking about here...are what I've lovingly called "Success Blocks" the blocks that pop up from no-where that do a damn fine job of stopping you from achieving the success that you really want and that you're here to achieve.
But I'm here to tell you, that everything that you want is within your grasp.
You absolutely can make it happen!!
All it takes is for you to learn how to side step your success blocks and to start using the simple tools to prime your mindset for success every single day.
Are you ready to take that foot off the brake pedal, to unlock your true potential and RISE?